A Colorful Pom Pom Ornament

Since I've added lots of color into our Christmas decor this year, my tree has been looking a little "blah" and dark. It has a lot of black and silver ornaments, but not a lot of color. Since I have a ton of pom poms from making our holiday garland, I thought I'd add some of those bright fuzzies to the tree!

At Wal*Mart, I found a box-full of clear, plastic ornaments for 96 cents each (the plastic is perfect if you've got kiddos or pets...no shattered glass!). I grabbed a few smalls and large. I sorted through my pom poms (these are packaged from the Dollar Tree) to find the colors of my garland. 

One-by-one I filled the pom poms up to the top. I didn't want to pack them in, in case I want to change the colors in the future. I added a pipe cleaner to string it onto the tree. Wah lah: Splashes of color!

There's about a million things you can do with these cheap, clear ornaments.

I hope you find something to make with them this holiday season!