Pumpkin Spice Monster Eyes

I know we are all so over Halloween and some of you have made the leap from pumpkins to pine trees already, but I did make a little delicious treat this weekend that's worth sharing and pinning for next year! Or, at least, my friends thought so...these were definitely gone pretty early on in the night.


All you need is a box of Oreos (the more the merrier), bag of M&Ms (Pumpkin Spice flavored are bigger than regular M&Ms and they are the perfect shade of "monster" green) and black cake icing. 

ONE: Peel an Oreo apart (don't twist!) where the icing is all on one side.
TWO: Eat the icing-less side, because you don't need those!
THREE: Put a little black cake icing to the center of the Oreo.
FOUR: Add a green M&M and press onto the icing.
FIVE: Put another dot of black icing to the M&M (for the pupil).
SIX: Repeat until you run out of Oreos!

After I made all the eyeballs I could, I placed them in the fridge for a couple of hours until the party, just so nothing would happen to the icing during the travel. But, they're ready to serve immediately as well!

I normally don't do the "spookiness" of Halloween,  
but let's be honest: if it's made of Oreos, I can handle it!